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1990 Yearbook - Strategic Planning for the 1990's
Education for and about business has traversed an adventurous path over the past several decades. The vast revisions in curriculum and diversity of programming have been driven, in part, by change and technology. Infor mation resources and accessibility have broadened the spectrum of learning and working in our society. The free enterprise system has dictated a broad cadre of knowledge and skills that can transfer from one career to another. Leadership, critical thinking, decision making, communications, human relations, and entrepreneurial skills have become vital to job success. 

Business educators have the best resources and opportunities to provide meaningful learning experiences within this environment. This 1990 NBEA Yearbook is focused on providing a realistic framework for business educators to face the issues of a new decade and beyond. The 16 chapters have been organized into three major sections. Part I, "Business Education in Challenging Times," sets the stage for accomplishing change by providing a perspective of the history and growth of business education. Both external and internal influences are addressed from local, regional, and national, and international viewpoints. 

The authors contributing to Part II, "Accomplishing Change in Business Education," have taken a practical approach to the issues by discussing program content, teaching strategies, curriculum models, and exemplary programs that really work. A realistic view toward reaching high-risk populations and internationalizing business education provides readers with a good base for program planning, development, and implementation. 

In Part III, "Foundations of a Solid Future for Business Education," readers are given ways to actively pursue research, to become politically and legislatively astute, and to establish mutually beneficial partnerships. Suggestions are presented to further personal and professional growth and development—to become goal-oriented professionals and to take advantage of the many windows of opportunity.

All 34 authors contributing to Strategic Planning for the 1990's are to be commended for sharing insightful, timely, and practical information. Readers will find a common theme throughout the book—namely that business educators have staked a significant claim in educating our future work force. Sharon Lund O'Neil, Editor
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