Business Education Forum-Volume 73, Number 3, February 2019
FROM THE PRESIDENT: The Statistics Are Alarming By Margaret Blue

  - Using Bloom’s Digital Taxonomy in Accounting Course Objectives By Joann Segovia
  - A Teachable Moment in Employment Law: The Civil Rights Act, Gender Discrimination, and Judicial Activism By Paul A. Sukys
  - Incorporating Data Analytics in Accounting By Jian Zhang
  - The Prominent Role of STEM Integration in Career Development Curricula By Audra Mazzante

FORUM FEATURE: Suicide Prevention: The Moment You Save a Life By Joanne M. Lozar Glenn

BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT: The Kim Foundation: Providing help, hope, and healing to lives touched by mental illness and suicide By Joanne M. Lozar Glenn

  - Inside Scoop—Preparing for an Advisor Role: Reflections from a Conference Coordinator By Allison Rigotti
  - Planbook—Introducing Students to Corporate Culture: Finding the Right “Fit” By Brian E. Kufner
  - Colleague to Colleague—What’s your favorite timesaver/productivity tool?
  - Mentoring Minute—Giving Thanks for Undercover Mentors By Catherine Jones-Rikkers
  - NBEA Professional—Why Be Involved? By Kim Dhority
  - Forum Flashback By Stephen D. Lewis
  - Resource Review—Accessible, Interesting Content for Teaching Financial Literacy By Margaret Blue

  - NBEA 2019 Annual Convention
  - Trailblazing Speaker at the NBEA 2019 Convention Opening General Session
  - 2019 Convention Program Highlights
  - Professional Development Seminars
  - Technology Workshops
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