Entrepreneurship: Starting a Business
Topic: Entrepreneurship – Starting a Business
Designed for grades: 11-12 for high school or first-year and sophomore for junior college
Estimated learner time: 50 minutes total
Objectives: The learner will:
III.1A.1 Brainstorm ideas for a new product or service
III.1A.5 Define design thinking principles
Description: This activity focuses on understanding the importance of entrepreneurship and evaluating entrepreneurial efforts using design thinking. It will include three role-playing activities.
Special Advice: This could be completed individually or as a partnered activity. Learners will spend time conducting research on the internet or in their textbooks. Consider directing learners to write their answers electronically, and either upload them to the course page or email them to the instructor.
The instructor could also lead a discussion after learners respond to questions. All questions will have several correct answers (see possible answers below), and the discussion could be expanded based on their responses. Likewise, Question 4 could introduce a thought-provoking discussion topic (for example, they could share their innovations/business ideas and ask each other questions about them, troubleshoot them, and revise their ideas accordingly).
Grading: Three questions, with equal weight (points or percentage) for each, or distribute the scale however you see fit based upon the weight of the activity in the context of your instruction.
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