Information Technology: Laws and Legal Perils of Using the Internet and Computer Networks
- Students will learn about the laws that govern the use of the internet and computer networks.
- Students will understand the potential legal consequences of violating these laws.
- Students will learn strategies for staying safe and legal while using the internet and computer networks.

National Standards:
Complies with NBEA Information Technology 2023 Standard III.1 Demonstrate respectful, responsible, inclusive, and ethical behavior in a digital world:
  - III.1.7. Discuss basic issues related to responsible use of technology and describe personal or legal consequences of inappropriate use.
  - III.1.11. Identify aspects of global connectivity and its implications.
  - III.1.21. Analyze legal and ethical dilemmas within the framework of current laws and legislation (e.g., virus development, hacking, threats, phishing).

- Whiteboard and markers
- Computer lab or students' own devices with internet access
- Student activity handout
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