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Research / Report
Examining Business and Industry Involvement in Alabama CTE Programs, Teacher Satisfaction, and Perceived Barriers
Thursday, March 28, 2024 NBEA Alabama's economy is currently trending towards a crisis due to the lack of skilled talent to fill the technical positions in the growing labor market. This presentation will covers how it is being dealt with.
Research / Report
The AI Revolution:  Awareness of and Readiness for AI-based Digital Tools and Technologies in Business Education
Thursday, March 28, 2024 NBEA Presenters will assess secondary and post-secondary business educators' current AI awareness and readiness in this session.
Research / Report
Multicultural Education:  Enhancing Students’ Academic Success through Classroom Diversity
Thursday, March 28, 2024 NBEA This session explores how instructors can improve students’ learning experiences to support their academic success in a diverse classroom setting using the Bank’s model of multicultural education. Taiwo Soetan, PhD
Research / Report
A Pilot Study of Business Student Expectations in their Faculty Advisor Relationships
Thursday, March 28, 2024 NBEA This presentation delves into the use of a social capital framework in understanding the student expectations of their advising experiences and how well faculty meet those expectations.
Research / Report
Describing the Type, Cost, Salary, and Expectations of Programs That Offer Business Education Licensure in the U.S.
Thursday, March 28, 2024 NBEA This session examines the current climate of business education (BE) programs that lead to licensure at the undergraduate and graduate levels, focusing on costs, salary, and expectations in the United States.
Research / Report
Impact of Using Virtual Reality Goggles in the Classroom
Thursday, March 28, 2024 NBEA This study examines using virtual reality goggles to help high school students understand mathematical concepts.
Research / Report
Effective Strategies for Teaching Marketing in a Face-to-Face Plus (F2F+) Format
Thursday, March 28, 2024 NBEA This session will focus on the steps required to design an effective F2F+ Marketing class.
Research / Report
Sustainability for Business Education Classes
Thursday, March 28, 2024 NBEA This session will inform participants how to organize & execute these two activities that have helped grow our CTE Concentrator numbers.
Research / Report
International Business Standards Integration for Promoting Global Competence in Business Education
Thursday, March 28, 2024 NBEA This session covers the integration of the NBEA Standards for International Business in different business education disciplines, business educators’ perceptions of their competency to integrate the NBEA standards on International Business.
Research / Report
Culturally Relevant and Sustaining Education Competencies
Thursday, February 2, 2023 NBEA Using the Pennsylvania newly enacted Cultural Relevant and Sustaining Education Competencies, we will take a detailed look at the nine competencies and how they impact our classrooms.
Research / Report
21st Century Framework Reflects Innovation in MBA Programs - BERC (3-31-21)
Wednesday, March 31, 2021 NBEA A research study was undertaken to understand how American MBA programs are teaching MBA students about the skill of innovation.
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